Matchmaking Quality Assurance
Fight-Rec will be published on the WKO website, but will be shared and used my all reputable Promoters and Associations for credible and fair match making.
All fighters published do so knowing the details they submit will be visible to Promoters and Associations.
This is a FREE service for the improvement of reliable and credible match making on Gala Shows.
See the below data of Fighters record of fights had at a WKO Open Championships.
This data starts from January 2022, any data prior to this date is not included.
The WKO-Event Fight Rec will be updated following the completion of any WKO event. The number of fights listed on the sheet is the fights had in regard to Ring or Tatamisports as a combined number.
This list only states Name of Fighter and Team Name, it is all in alphabetical order based on the name of the fighter.
The below data is compiled from WKO Events ONLY... and as such is only a rough guide as does not take into account any other fights had outside of WKO Open Championships.
This data does however give an insight into how experienced fighters are, but does not record W/L/D. For this level of data the above portal needs to be actively supported by all fighters/coaches.
Click below to view the compiled data from WKO Open Championships from January 2022 to present day:
Gala Fight-Rec
FIGHT-REC is a FREE INDEPENDENT online database to allow Fighters, Coaches & Promoters to find available opponents and increase their standings by taking opportunities which may come.
All data will be published on the WKO Website under the Fight-Rec page, where like minded Coaches & Promoters will search for suitable opponents for both Title and None Title Bouts.
Do not apply to Fight-Rec if you do not wish to have your details published or be contacted by Coaches & Promoters.
The Matchmaking Database Tool is intended for the use of Fighters, Coaches and Promoters bout planning for safe and fair bouts to be agreed.
Mis-use of any information including e-mail addresses for commercial purposes will result in legal action under the Data Protection Act 1988.
The Fight-Rec Portal is FREE to use to upload your data so other Coaches & Promoters may see you are active and opportunities may come your way.
WKO are providing Fight-Rec as an independent service for Coaches and Promoters to allow smoother bout matching and increased activity of our athletes as safely and fairly as possible.
Please note: Failure to update your list on a regular basis may result in it's removal in order for us to maintain the relevance of the information and integrity of the database as a whole.
Please note: Fight-Rec has made every attempt to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided on this website. However, the information is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.
Fight-Rec does not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained on this database.
The user of this database and anyone considering using any of the information on this website must make and rely on their own care, skill, enquiries, assessment and judgment as to the accuracy of the information or any part of it that they may rely on prior to agreeing and making bouts.
Click the button below link to input your fighters data into the:
Fight-Rec will be updated on a quarterly basis. All registered will be contacted and requested to update their info. Only active fighters that keep their records up to date will be published. All data from previous lists will be destroyed.
The ensures that all data is current and reflects active and committed fighters only, which is a promoters dream!
GALA FIGHT-REC Portal Register
Coaches/Promoters once you subscribe you will be able to access the Fight-Rec Forum to view data, discuss, search and match make all in one place.
Please Note:
The Fight-Rec database is currently under construction, attached is an example of how to view data, discuss, search and match make.
We have sent out requests for the 10,000+ fighters in our database to input their data. Once we have more data in the Fight-Rec database we will update.
With the aim to track fighters Gala and Tournament Records to enable safe, fair and credible matching on Gala Shows and Title Fights.
Gala - is a promoted fight show based on 1-1 matched bouts of 3 or more round fights. These show as Win/Loss/Draw
Open Tournament - Is where fought in ring or tatami in knock out progression championships these show as Volume of Fights & Wins Achieved %